News and Events

talk on IEEE

The IEEE Student Branch at Srinivas Institute of Technology hosted a compelling talk on IEEE Student Branch Establishments and Benefits on February 2nd, 2024

 February 02,2024 Posted By SIT

Report on Innovation Unleashed: A Speaker Series and Membership Drive

SIT's ECE department, in association with the IEEE student chapter and AIML department, organized a talk on 'Innovation Unleashed: A Speaker Series and Membership Drive' on 02/02/2024.

 February 2,2024 Posted By SIT

Workshop on Object Oriented

The Workshop on Object-Oriented Concepts, held on February 1st and 2nd, 2024, was a comprehensive learning experience for all 3rd-semester students. Led by esteemed resource persons Prof. Parvathraj K M M and Prof. Madhusudan S, the event covered fundamental and advanced aspects of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP).

 February 02,2024 Posted By SIT

Heritage visit to Rani Abbakka Tulu Adhyayana Kendra Museum in Bantwal

The 3rd semester 125 students from the Department of Computer science and Engineering visited Rani Abbakka Tulu Adhyayana Kendra Museum in Bantwal, Karnataka on 30-01- 2024 and 01-02-2024.

 January 30,2024 Posted By SIT

Report on Momentum, Expert Talk Series

In the realm of technological advancements, a groundbreaking innovation has emerged, promising to reshape industries and redefine the way we interact with the world. In the view of this and to introduce the students to the new innovations, department of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Engineering in association of Srinivas Advanced Manufacturing and Research Theatre (SAMARTH) of Mechanical engineering department, Srinivas Institute of Technology, Valachil, Mangaluru hosting a series of technical talks called as “Momentum”.

 January 27,2024 Posted By SIT

Department of Information Science and Engineering “PLEDGE ON NATIONAL VOTER’S DAY”

The Association of Information Science and Engineering Department, AISE, taken a pledge on account of National Voter’s Day on 25th January 2024.

 January 25,2024 Posted By SIT

Report on YOGA BLISS

Yoga refers to a physical, mental, and spiritual practice that originated in ancient India. It encompasses a wide range of techniques and practices aimed at promoting overall well-being and harmony between the body, mind, and spirit. So Yoga Bliss: For Better Life was jointly organized by the Association of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science Educatee (AADE)and Association of Information Science Educatee (AISE) for students at Srinivas Institute of Technology, Mangaluru, on January 20, 2024.

 January 20,2024 Posted By SIT

Outreach Programme on “Campus Cleanliness Drive”

In pursuant to the vision of Swachh Bharath Abhiyan, NSS volunteers of 5th-semester students along with 3rd-semester students of the Department of Information Science and Engineering have participated in the “Campus Cleanliness Drive” held on 20/01/2024. Selected areas across the campus were targeted for the cleanup, emphasizing the responsible disposal of plastic waste, elimination of litter, and promoting a cleaner environment.

 January 20,2024 Posted By SIT


On account of “Swachh Bharath Abhiyan”, the NSS Unit of Srinivas Institute of Technology in association with 3rd and 5th semester students of Artificial Intelligence and Data science, organized a beach cleaning drive in Panambur beach,on 19th January 2024.

 January 19,2024 Posted By SIT

Department of Computer Science and Business System ASSOCIATION INAUGURATION

The association inaugural function of Basics (Business Associated Students of Integrated Computer Synergy) was held on 19th December 2023.The event was invocated by Poorvika and Chaitra of 3rd Sem CSBS followed by welcome address by Ms. Rithika, Assistant Professor. Mr. Shailesh Shetty S, HOD, Department of CSBS was present at the event. The association was inaugurated by the chief guest, Mr. Vidya Shankar Bollava Client manager India FEC Heading sales for India Nepal.

 January 19,2024 Posted By SIT