Webinar on “Electric Cars The Beginning of a New Era”
Department of EEE, in association with ‘ELITE’ organized a Webinar on ELECTRIC CARS – The Beginning of New Era on 29-06-2021at 10 AM to 11 AM for all EEE students and PU students.
June 29,2023 Posted By SIT

Vanamahotsav was organized on 28/06/23 by Green Cell and NSS Unit. Green Cell Dr.Soorya Narayana K. welcomed the gathering. President of the function Dr.C.A Raghavendra Rao, Chancellor, Srinivas University and President, A Shama Rao Foundation, Mangalore elaborated on responsibilities to save our forest and also he contributed 1000 fruits and other saplings and encouraged students to make the campus a green campus.
June28,2023 Posted By SIT
Valedictory function-ICRICS-23
The Valedictory function of the International Conference on Recent Innnovations in Computer Science ICRICS-2023 was conducted by the Departments of CSE , Allied branches and MCA on 23rd June 2023 at Srinivas Institute of Technology, Mangaluru.
June 23,2023 Posted By SIT
An International Conference on “Recent Innovations in Computer Science”- (ICRICS-2023)” was organized by the Departments of Computer Science & Engineering,allied branches and Master of Computer Applications on June 22nd and 23rd 2023 at Srinivas Institute of Technology, Valachil Mangaluru.
June 22,2023 Posted By SIT

International Yoga Day Report-2023
NSS Unit celebrated International Yoga Day on 21/06/23 in Association with Institutions Innovation Council.Dr.Hariprakash, of MBA Department welcomed the gathering and introduced the Yoga trainer to the gathering.
June 21,2023 Posted By SIT

Report on Hands on Training
SIT ECE Department association “STEADY” organized a Hands on Training on “Introduction to Dark Web and Wireless Network Security '' in Association with SSOSC and Morho X. This program was conducted on 21-06-2023.
June 21,2023 Posted By SIT

Workshop On “Emerging Cyber Attacks and Prevention”
Department of Computer Science and Engineering of Srinivas Institute of Technology, Mangaluru has organised a hands-on Workshop on Emerging Cyber Attacks and Preventiontopic on 21st June 2023.
June21,2023 Posted By SIT

Workshop On “Introduction to dark web and wireless networksecurity and hacking”
Department of Computer Science and Engineering of Srinivas Institute of Technology, Mangaluru has organised a hands-on Workshop on the topic Introduction to dark web and wireless network security and hackingtopic on 20th June 2023.
June20,2023 Posted By SIT

Inauguration of Srinivas Student's Open Source Community(SSOSC)
Srinivas Student's Open Source Community (SSOSC) was inaugurated on 17-6-2023. This community was formed with the objective that can provide a platform for students to enhance their technical skills, organize workshops, coding challenges, and mentorship programs to help students improve their programming, problem-solving, and software engineering abilities.
June 17,2023 Posted By SIT

Report about the session on 'Bootcamp on Startup Careers'
The session on 'Bootcamp on Startup Careers' conducted by the SIT EDP Cell in association with SSOSC on 17-6-2023. Mr. Sujith D, a Frontend Developer at Recruiterflow and an entrepreneur, shared his practical insights and experiences with the attendees. One of the key points emphasized by Mr. Sujith D was the importance of passion in starting a startup.
June 17,2023 Posted By SIT