Curriculum Planning and Implementation: The Institute implements the curriculum designed by the University with well planned academic calendar in tune with University calendar and the faculty members prepare the lesson plan in advance and the compliance of the same is monitored by the authorities.
Academic Flexibility: Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) is followed for UG since 2015 and inter- disciplinary subjects under open elective schemes are offered during V and VI semester.
Curriculum Enrichment: Soft skill training programmes are imparted to students from second year onwards by the professionals. Students are compulsorily made to undergo industrial internship programmes. Technical talks from subject experts are organized and regular industrial visits are arranged. In addition to the curriculum prescribed by the University, the college offers number of skill development programs and value added courses integrating moral & ethical values, employability and life skills for better career options & community orientation.
Feedback System: Institute has a mechanism for taking feedback on the curriculum from all the stake holders viz. students, faculty, parents, alumni, employers, industries, academic peers and community. The recommendations are communicated to the University through BOS during revision of syllabus from time to time. Feedback is taken from students in every semester on teaching-learning process which is consolidated and communicated to the teachers and the management for follow-up actions.