News and Events


The “Web Design Contest” was organized by the Department of Information Science and Engineering, Srinivas Institute of Technology, Valachil, Mangaluru in association with The Institution of Engineers, India (IEI)-Students’ Chapter. The web tools are essential for the students in the race of job hunting process. The main objective of this contest was to upgrade the skills and creativity of students in the field web development. With the theme “Departmental Website”, students were given 10 days to design their website and asked to submit on or before 11/10/2020. More than 35 students registered their name for the competition and E-Certificate were issued to the all the participants. The event was coordinated by Prof. Supriya AV, IEI Staff Advisor, Prof. Sowmya, Event Coordinator and Student Coordinator Ms. Shruthi V S , 5th semester IS&E.

October 11,2020 Posted By SIT