Workshop on “Pilot Radio Communication, Navigation and Air Traffic Control”
Department of Aeronautical Engineering and Airetards organised a One Day workshop on “Pilot Radio Communication, Navigation and Air Traffic Control” on 28/11/2019. Mr. Makadia Jeet Shaileshbhai, 7th semester, Aeronautical Engineering and Prof. Deepak Raj P.Y., Associate Professor, Dept. of Aeronautical Engineering who were the resource persons, spoke about the Airport Terminologies, Communication, Navigation, Air Traffic Management, Aviation Call Signs, Air Traffic Controls, careers and services. Forty-six students from 1st and 2nd year Aeronautical Engineering participated actively in this workshop. The workshop was organised by Makadia Jeet Shaileshbhai, Ravi Pashchapur, Tushar Dhulasawant, Yakshith G, Sangeetha N. and co-ordinated by Prof. Deepak Raj P.Y under the guidance of Dr. Ramakrishna N Hegde, Head of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering, SIT, Mangaluru.
January 3, 2020 Posted By SIT