Hacktober Fest
On 26th October 2019 CSI-Student Chapter of SIT conducted Hacktober Fest Event under the guidance of Prof. Mohan K and the CSI members Sharathkumar, Vikram Kumar, Rajesh and Shriram Rao. An intro to free and open source, Git a distributed version control system, was presented to the participants. Many projects maintain their files in a Git repository, and sites like GitHub have made sharing and contributing to code simple, valuable and effective. The participants were then guided to begin the Hacktoberfest event by the coordinators.
Hacktoberfest is open to everyone in our global community. Hacktoberfest participants have represented 151 countries and thousands of unique skill sets. First the students had to create a GitHub account and login using the website:
The participants worked on an open-source project by forking the repository and then cloned it so that they had a local working copy to edit. The participants had to make four successful pull requests on their chosen repositories. The time period to complete the challenge was between October 1-October 31. Participating in Hacktoberfest lead to the personal growth, provided professional opportunities, and enabled them to build a community of their own. The first 50,000 participants who successfully completes the challenge will earn an official limited edition Hacktoberfest T-shirt.
Prof. Mohan also gave a brief intro on StackOverflow and its benefits to the participants and encouraged them to keep using the platform to develop their skills. He also concluded the event by congratulating all the participants for their active involvement in the event.
November 14, 2019 Posted By SIT