News and Events


With the objective of bringing out hidden talent as well as to create awareness about participation in co–curricular activities like technical events and cultural events the competitive programme Abhiyana was started in the year 2017 exclusively for first year BE/ B.Arch students. On 08th November 2019, such a programme ‘Abhiyana -2019’ for the academic year 2019-20 was convened.

The programme being inaugurated by Prof. Ramadas Arya, Principal & Dean, Pana Education, Mangaluru, he motivated the student to stay focus on their goal and work hard on it. He also stated that today’s hard work will give fruitful success tomorrow. Dr Shrinivas Mayya .D in his presidential remark explained how to make involve ourselves in this type of technical fest by students for their overall development. Dr. Gopalakrishna Bhat , HOD of Chemistry and coordinator of the event welcomed the gatherings, Prof. Amitha H, Department of physics introduced the chief guest of the function Prof. Ramadas Arya. The inaugural programme was begun with the prayer by Kumari Rithu H G. The inaugural function ended with vote of thanks by Prof. Ramyashree, department of Civil.

Total 09 events being organised viz, 1) Aakruthi, 2)Sciencia 3) Ragatharanga 4)Vibhushana 5)Nalapaka 6)Innovation 7)Slide ware 8)Abhivyakthi 9)Mad advertisers.

Invited faculties from more than 25 Pre- University Colleges spared their time to judge the events as member of jury panel and appreciated the students over whelming participation and performance.

After successful completion of all the events at 4pm the valedictory programmes being convened, with Prof. Adarsha chokkady, Principal Vittal Pre-University College, Vittal as Chief guest. Principal Dr. Shrinivas Mayya D. presided over the function.

The chief guest influenced the students by providing live examples of achievement, while delivering his speech. Dr. Chandrashekar K G, Department of chemistry welcomed the gatherings; Prof. Amitha H, Departmentof physics, presented the introduction of Chief Guest. Chief Guest Prof. Adarsha chokkady, and principal Dr. Shrinivas Mayya D. Together felicitated the winners and offered the cash prizes with certificates while announcing price winners list by Prof. Sahana G.K, Department of Physics. The entire whole day programme was wrapped up with vote of thanks by Prof. Hamsashree, Department of Civil, followed by national anthem. Prof Amith .H & Prof . Ramyashree were the master of ceremony.

November 18, 2019 Posted By SIT