News and Events

World Environment Day-2023

Srinivas Institute of Technology Valachil, Mangaluru and Institution's Innovation Council (IIC) in association with NSS unit of the institute has celebrated the World Environment Day in the college. Speaking on the occasion as the Resource Person, Mr.Rajamani Ramakunja, Retd. Professor, SVS College , Bantwal insisted on the beating plastics and explained how plastic can cause health disorder for current and future generations and urged us to carry cloth bags and gave a call on Reduce Reuse Recycle of plastics. He also spoke on consequences of spoiling the earth and change in climate condition. He insisted that young generation should consciously contribute to the protection of mother earth. Dr. Shrinivasa Mayya D., the principal of the institute, in his presidential remark emphasized that how plastic littering can be dangerous to human life, and gave a call to avoid single use plastics. He also urged students to keep the campus clean and utilize the dustbin provided in the campus. Dr. Prasad P, welcomed the gathering and Dr.Sumana V S, Introduced the resource person to the gathering. Prof. Rakesh Mallya, NSS coordinator, rendered the vote of thanks. Prof. Vivek Kumar, emceed the program

June 05,2023 Posted By SIT