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Srinivas Institute of Technology Valachil Mangaluru and Institution's Innovation Council (IIC) in association with NSS unit of the institute has celebrated the World Earth Day in the college. Speaking on the occasion as the Resource Person, Dr. Hariprakash U.P, Professor, Department of MBA,SIT insisted on the importance of planting trees and explained how valuable the oxygen is and how non degradable things are spoiling the earth. He also spoke on consequences of spoiling the earth and change in climate condition. He insisted that young generation should consciously contribute to the protection of mother earth. Dr. Shrinivasa Mayya D., the principal of the institute, in his presidential remark emphasized how a small gesture towards nature like avoiding littering can make a big difference in protecting our earth from the pollution. He also urged students to keep the campus clean as this would develop the responsibility towards the protection of earth for next generation. The convener of IIC, Dr. Ramakrishna N Hegde, elaborated on how our ancestors were living in harmony with nature and also quoted the versus of Vedas in which reference to protection of nature is mentioned. Dr. Praveen Shenoy, welcomed the gathering and Prof. Gourish Hegde ,Introduced the resource person to the gathering. Prof. Rakesh Mallya, NSS coordinator, rendered the vote of thanks. Prof. Vivek Kumar, emceed the program.

May 04,2023 Posted By SIT