News and Events

Workshop on “Website development using Python using Django Framework”

A Web development workshop was held on June 1st, 2022 for third-year information science and engineering students. Dr. Anoop B K, Head of ISE, Prof Madhusudan S co-ordinator, and Mr. Vaibhav C student of 3rd ISE resource person were among the dignitaries. Prof. Madhusudan S began the programme by providing an overview of the program. Dr. Anoop B. K. mentioned the importance of developing new skills and how they can be used in an effective way.Mr. Vaibhav C, a student of 3rd year ISE, began the workshop by mentioning the prerequisites for developing a website, instructing them to download VS Code and install the Python Extension, and then explaining how to use Python as a backend for a website. Finally, he answered all the queries of the students.

June 01,2022 Posted By SIT