Workshop on “Programming in C/C++”
Bridge Course on C/C++ was held from 30-05-2022 to 01-06-2022 for second year information science and engineering students .The dignitaries presented are Dr.Anoop B K Head of ISEand Prof. Madhusudhan S.Dr. Anoop B K formally welcomed Prof. Madhusudhan and mentioned the importance of bridge courses and also how it can be used in an effective way. Prof. Madhusudhan conducted the workshope on C/C++. The main objective of the course is to bridge the gap between subjects studied at First year level and subjects they would be studying in Second Year. The syllabus for the course is framed in such a way that they get basic knowledge on the subjects which they would be learning through Second year.Computer programming language C, is the most popular language worldwide. Everything from microcontrollers to operating systems is written in C since it’s very flexible and versatile, allowing maximum control with minimal commands. Hence to enhance the Basic concepts of C we conducted Bridge course on C & C++ for third semester students. In future, to place in any companies the basic skill in C/C++ is very important.
May 30,2022 Posted By SIT