Webinar on “Natural Language Processing
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Srinivas Institute of Technology-Mangaluru organized a webinar on “Natural Language Processing” in association with BITES and sponsored by A Shama Rao foundation, Mangaluru on 28th July 2020. Dr.Kavi Mahesh ,Director, III-T Dharwad was the resource person. The Webinar began with a brief introduction about the webinar by Dr.Shivakumar G S, Head, Department of Computer Science and Engineering in presence of Dr.Shrinivasa Mayya D Principal of Srinivas Institute of Technology. Dr.Kavi Mahesh in the first session introduced Natural Language Processing in simple terms, gave an Overview of NLP technologies, and elaborately discussed various research Problems in NLP. In the second session he explained about the nature of Natural Languages, their families, linguistics, Text Classification, Sentiment analysis and challenges. All the participants were actively participated throughout the session and expressed their views and ideas. The sessions were quite interactive between the participants and the Resource person. About 300 students and faculty members from various institutions attended and benefited from the webinar. The webinar was facilitated by Prof.Alwyn Edison Mendonca, Prof.Janardhana Bhat, Prof.Nagaraja Hebbar and Ms.Prathibha. E-Certificates were distributed to all the Participants The webinar was conducted through Cisco WebEx platform.
July 28,2020 Posted By SIT