The Valedictory of ENVISION-2020, National level Techno-Cultural fest was held on 4th and 5th March 2020 in Srinivas Institute of Technology, Valachil, Mangaluru. Dr. Shrinivasa Mayya D, Principal of the college was the president of the function. RJ Thrishur, Red FM 93.5 was the chief guest of function. In this National Level Techno- cultural Fest about 1260 students were participated in 34 technical & 10 cultural events.
The Technical events were conducted on 04/03/2019 and Cultural events were conducted on 05/03/2019. In the Technical events overall championship was won by AJ Institute of Technology, Mangaluru and runners up were Shree Devi Institute of Technology Mangaluru. In the cultural events, overall championship was won by Shree Devi Institute of Technology Mangaluru and runners up were Sahyadri Engineering College and Management, Adyar. The Envision 2020 organized Kabbadi tournament ‘Le Panga’, the first place was won by Vikas Degree College, Mangaluru and runners up were SDM Business Management College, Mangaluru.
Dr. Shrinivasa Mayya D, congratulated the winners and the students who actively coordinated Envision-2020. RJ Thrishur distributed the prizes to the winners and released the trailer of ‘Dhwani’ a short film made by team Vivek of SIT College. Prof. Deepak Raj from the Department of Aeronautical Engineering has convened the Envision 2020. On this occasion Envision cultural Secretary Miss Shravya Kulal, Envision organizing Secretary Miss Delrin Jean Dmello, faculty members and students were present. The guest’s and gathering of the function were welcomed by Mr. Jagadeesh and Miss Spandana and Vote of thanks delivered by Miss Delrin Jean Dmello Envision organizing Secretary.
March 18,2020 Posted By SIT