News and Events

Talk on “Grow Your Food without Poison”

Association of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (AADE) and Information Science and Engineering (AISE) organized a Talk on “Grow your Food without Poision on 22/12/2022 for 3rd semester students of AI-DS, ISE and AI-ML. The Resource person of the event was Dr. Hariprakash U.P, Professor, Dept. of MBA, Srinivas Institute of Technology, Valachil, Mangaluru.The objectives of the talk were uses of organic farming, waste management, its implementation, water conservation. The talk mainly focused on the steps that can be taken to control the waste, producing organic manure, importance of growing organic vegetables and fruits, Implementations of water conservations at home. This talk is in-lined with 3rd semester VTU subject Social connect and Responsibility(21SCR36). This program was supported by our beloved principal Dr. Shrinivasa Mayya D. The program was successfully completed with the help of Prof. Nagaraja Hebbar N, Head of the Department, AI-DS and Prof. Sudarshan K, Head of the Department, IS&E

December 22,2022 Posted By SIT