Swachh Campus Abhiyan by Mechanical Students
Clean Campus promotes hygiene, It improves hygiene level in campus and also helps to reduce the spread of sickness, maintaining a clean college environment sets a good example to students. Cleanliness encourages learners to take pride in their college, which makes them less likely to drop litter and as such they will potentially make a bigger effort to maintain their environment The All Students Mechanical Association (ASMA) of Mechanical Engineering department of Srinivas Institute of Technology, Valachil, has organized a Campus Cleaning Programme on November 29th 2023, in collaboration with the National Service Scheme (NSS) within the college premises. The primary objective of this initiative was to impart awareness among the student community regarding the importance of maintaining a pristine and environmentally sustainable campus. Dr. Shankar k S, Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, along with Prof. Sathyaprakash, ASMA Faculty Advisor, played pivotal roles in overseeing the event along with department NSS coordinator Dr. Raghavendra M J.
November 29,2023 Posted By SIT