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Sadhbhavana Diwas

Srinivas Institute of Technology Valachil Mangaluru andNSS unit of the institute in association with Department of Information science Enginnering and Computer Science and Design has celebrated Sadhbhavana Diwas in the college. Sadbhavana Diwas is celebrated to commemorate the birth anniversary of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi on 20th August 2023 . Being the youngest Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi's thought process was modern and different from others. This day is observed as 'Sadbhavana Diwas' or Harmony Day' with an objective to encourage national integration, peace, affection, and communal harmony among the Indian people of all religions and languages. It promotes the unity in diversity and feeling of oneness amongst people to a great level. It brings a type of racial and cultural similarity among people of different community. Communal harmony is a prerequisite for a country like India, with its diverse population and cultures. Communal harmony ensures that every religion gets equal treatment, and tolerance builds amongst citizens. ProfRajeshwari, Department NSS Coordinator welcomed the audience and recited the pledge and made all the students to recite the pledge both in English and Kannada. Around 28 students took the oath and pledged to abide by the rules.Dr.Padmanayana,HOD,Computer Science and Design and Prof.Rakesh Mallya, NSS officer was present during the occasion.

August 20,2024 Posted By SIT