News and Events

A Webinar on “Video Coding”

The Department of Information Science and Engineering, Srinivas Institute of Technology, Mangaluru organized a Webinar on “Video Coding” in association with The Institution of Engineers(India) - Students' Chapter[IEI] on 6th of November 2020 using Cisco WebEx platform. The webinar was intended for students and also for the enthusiasts who are interested to work in Video Coding domain. Prof. Gururaj B, Assistant Professor - Selection Grade, Dept of CS&E, MIT, Manipal was the resource speaker for the webinar. In his talk, he briefed on the fundamentals of video coding, techniques, error measures, search procedures and applications of video coding. Entire event was coordinated by Prof. Supriya A V, IEI Staff Advisor and Student Coordinator Mr.Chinthan B M, 5th Semester IS&E. More than 90 participants attended this webinar and E-Certificates were issued to all the participants.

November 06,2020 Posted By SIT