Report ON GDSC Inaguration
The inauguration of the Google Developer Student Clubs (GDSC) on the third floor of the Academic Block at Srinivas Institute of Technology took place on December 20, 2023, with Dr. Shrinivasa Mayya D lighting the lamp. He congratulated the students and encouraged them to make use of this club to gain knowledge. Professor Shailesh Shetty served as the Faculty Advisor of the GDSC Club. Mr. Rithik Ranjan is the GDSC lead, and information about the club's office bearers is available at GDSC Srinivas Institute of Technology. Google Developer Student Clubs (GDSC) are university-based community groups powered by Google Developers for students interested in technology. The aim is to help students bridge the gap between theory and practice. By joining the Google Developer Student Club @ SIT, students can attend workshops, hackathons, and other exciting events. They can enhance their technical skills through a peer-to-peer learning environment and expand their network by meeting tech leaders and professionals. Every student from any degree program interested in evolving as a developer is welcome to join the GDSC group. They can become a member by following this link: GDSC SIT Membership.
December20,2023 Posted By SIT