News and Events

Report on the session: “Achieving Problem-Solution Fit and Product Market Fit”

A session on Achieving Problem Solution Fit and Product market Fit was organized by the MBA department in association with IIC on 13th Feb, 2024. Mr. Mark Brandon Vernum, Business Head-Imarticus Learning, and Archana Baliga, Director Operations People Point, were the resource person. They addressed on achieving problem-solution fit and product-market fit are critical milestones for any business or startup. These concepts lie at the heart of creating successful products or services that effectively address the needs of target customers and generate sustainable growth. They explained various competitive courses to uplift the skill set of students as per the competitive market. By focusing on delivering value to customers, staying adaptable, and relentlessly pursuing excellence, businesses can position themselves for long-term success and growth in the market. Around 113 students of 2nd year MBA were present for the session.

February 13,2024 Posted By SIT