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Report on Carrer Guidance Programme “What next after Engineering”

A career guidance programme- “What next after Engineering ” was held at Srinivas Institute of Technology, Valachil, Mangaluru on 13th February 2024 by T.I.M.E, Mangaluru for the 3rd year students of CS&E, IS&E and AIDS. Mr. Ashith Poojary, Manager, T.I.M.E was the Resource Person for this session. He inspired all the students with a detailed discussion on the ample of opportunities and career options they can choose after Engineering. The primary objective of the talk was to provide students with comprehensive understanding of various post-graduate options and career paths. It was held to guide students about various options available after completing their undergraduate studies. The speaker provided insights into different competitive examinations such as GRE, CAT, and MAT, highlighting their significance in pursuing higher education and career advancement opportunities.

February 13,2024 Posted By SIT