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The valedictory function of Two day national conference on “Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering Sciences, RTIMES-2022” was held on 11th June 2022 at Srinivas Institute of Technology, Mangaluru. The programme was presided by Dr. Shrinivasa Mayya D, Patron and Principal, Srinivas Institute of Technology, Mangaluru.As a part of two days conference on 10th and 11th of June 2022, a total of 86 papers were presented. Key note addresses were delivered by Mr. Dr. KV Gangadharan, Professor, Dept of Mechanical Engineering and Head of Centre for system design NITK, Surathkal, Mangaluru on “Recent trends in Mechanical Engineering, Mr. Naik L M, Rtd Senior general manager, Bosh Pvt Ltd on “Driving Future”, Dr. Anarghya Murthy, Instrumentation Engineer at thermo fluids and Aero hydrodynamic labs at university of Auckland on “Energy efficient vapour compression refrigeration system”.Dr. Shrinivasa Mayya D, in his presidential address, highlighted the importance of conferences in research and development, and the role of research exchange in latest trends. He also congratulated the whole committee and the participants for the success of conference. Dr. Ramakrishna N Hegde, Dr. Shankar KS, Conference Chairs and Dr Gangadhar Rao, Convenor of the Conference were present.

June 11,2022 Posted By SIT