News and Events

Orientation Program and welcome of First year MBA, MCA and M.Tech

Orientation program and welcome of first year MBA, MCA and M.Tech students of Srinivas Institute of Technology was held on 12th February at Valachil campus, Mangaluru. The formal function was inaugurated by lighting the lamp by the dignitaries on the dais along with newly joined students. Principal of the college Dr.Shrinivasa Mayya D, presided over the function and addressed the gathering. In his address he emphasized the importance of education as well as explained about the placement for MBA, MCA and M.Tech students from the college.The Head of MBA department Dr. Ajoy S Joseph briefed the new entrants and parents about details of academics, facilities, library and general discipline of the college and procedures of Visvesvaraya Technological University Belgaum. The Head of MCA department Dr. Shashidhar Kini K gave information on importance of higher education and explained the details of MCA course and facilities available in the college also about career opportunities for MCA.Dr.Veena S Rai, Faculty MBA Department welcomed the gathering and Ms.Nikshitha, Faculty MCA Department proposed vote of thanks. Ms. Prerana and Ms.Saksha Rai was the master of ceremony of the program.

February 12,2024 Posted By SIT