Srinivas Institute of Technology Valachil Mangaluru and Institution's Innovation Council (IIC) in association with NSS unit of the Institute has celebrated the National Innovation Day in the college on 15/10/22. Speaking on the occasion Dr. Shrinivasa Mayya D., the principal of the institute, in his presidential remark emphasized that Innovation is a need of the hour for India to become a world hub for technology. He motivated the students to work hard and grow beyond their limits. Dr.Ramakrishna Hegde, IIC Coordinator insisted students to join Innovation club established in our college and elaborated on how India is developing in technology to compete with other developed nations. He also elaborated on some of the accidental innovations and told students that Innovations can happen any time. Resource Person Prof. Jayaram Thumbe gave talk on “Creativity and Innovation” and enlightened the students on revolution of innovations and creativity. He presented some of the case studies on recent innovations and told students If people knew how hard I worked to get my mastery, it wouldn't seem so wonderful after all. P Rakesh Mallya, NSS coordinator ,Welcomed the gathering. Dr. Jose Alex Mathew ,coordinator of the program thanked the gathering’s. Ms.Shivali Sawanth was the Master of the ceremony.
October 10,2022 Posted By SIT