Innovation and Entrepreneurship Outreach Program
A session on Innovation and Entrepreneurship Outreach Program was organized by the Department of MBA in association with IIC on 11thJuly 2024 in Ashoka Vidyalaya English medium school Mangaluru. Mr. Prajwal B K, Assistant Professor, MBA department, was the resource person. The address was on the difference between Entrepreneur and Innovation with an example of young Entrepreneur and innovator Mr. Thilak Mehta the founder of Papers and Parcel. The Key aspects which is required for the entrepreneurial mindset was explained to these students so that they can start imbibing these in their Young age. The session was interactive and students asked many questions regarding the concept. The program successfully increased awareness and knowledge about entrepreneurship and innovation, provided valuable insights. Participants expressed positive feedback, highlighting the program's motivational impact and the usefulness of the sessions and activities. The event achieved its objectives, leaving attendees better prepared for their future. Around 98 students of 8th,9th and 10th standards were present for the session.
July 11,2024 Posted By SIT