Report on Industry Visit to Bharath Agrovet Industries
As part of the induction program, first-year engineering students from ECE along with AE and EEE departments visited Bharath Agrovet Industries (Pvt. Ltd.), Thumbe, Mangalore, on 13th September 2024. A total of 66 students participated in the visit, exploring the industry's operations, including inline production and control units. Students actively engaged in understanding processes related to the company’s premier products, such as Broiler Hatching Eggs, Hi-Density Poultry Feeds, and Breeder Feed Premixes. The visit began with a brief introduction by the Plant Engineer, followed by a welcome snack provided by the company. Live operations were demonstrated by three technicians, offering students a closer look at the production process. The Plant Head addressed the students and offered potential internship opportunities in the future. The program was successfully coordinated by Prof. Clitus and Prof. Rakesh Mallya from the ECE department, along with Dr. Lokesh K. S. from Aeronautical Engineering, under the guidance of Dr. Ananth Kumar Kulkarni, Student Welfare Coordinator.
September 13, 2024 Posted By sitmng