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Inauguration of Computer society of India (CSI) Student Chapter

The inaugural ceremony of the Computer Society of India (CSI) student chapter for the academic year 2023-2024 took place on Thursday, December 14,2023, at Srinivas Institute of Technology, Valachil, Mangaluru. The event was graced by the esteemed Chief Guest, Mr. Sharath Kumar, Robosoft Technologies pvt Ltd, Udupi During his inaugural address, Mr. Sharath Kumar emphasized the significance of active participation in various events and he also spotlighted the valuable lessons, encountered challenges, and pivotal moments that have played a defining role in shaping his career as an esteemed alumnus.Dr. Shrinivasa Mayya D, the Principal of the college, delivered a compelling presidential address, urging students to organize a maximum number of events under CSI and take initiatives to turn their ideas into realities. Prof. Ravishankara K, H.O.D, CS&E, in his address appreciated the students for their active participation in the events conducted so far and he further highlighted the significance of active involvement with professional associations as a key avenue for further developing their capabilities.Prof. Spoorthi. B, CSI Student Branch Coordinator, provided an overview of the association's objectives and introduced the office bearers for the year 2023-2024.Mr. Chinmaya Ramana, Technical coordinator of CSI, highlighted the activities conducted so far and presented the plan of action for 2023-2024.Mr. Ritik Ranjan, President of CSI, extended a warm welcome to the distinguished gathering, while Ms. Prajna G K, Secretary of CSI, delivered vote of thanks. The program was compered by Ms. Pooja D J and Mr. Arpith.Following the formal function, Mr. Sharath Kumar, Software Engineer delivered a technical talk on “Micro frontends- a microservice approach to the modern web”

December14,2023 Posted By SIT