Inauguration of FDP on “Modelling and design for Manufacturing Excellence (MDME)”
The inauguration of 5 days Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Modelling and design for Manufacturing Excellence (MDME)” was held on 09/10/2023. The FDP was organized jointly by the departments of Mechanical, Marine, Automobile and Aeronautical Engineering, Srinivas Institute of Technology, Valachil, Mangaluru. The Programme was presided by Dr. Shrinivasa Mayya D, Principal, Srinivas Institute of Technology, Valachil, Mangaluru and Mr. Maruthi G V, Design engineer, Medini Technologies was the chief guest. Dr. Shankar. K.S, HoD, Department of Mechanical Engineering, briefed about the FDP and gave insight into the FDP. Mr. Maruthi G. V, in his inaugural speech,gave suggestions for the skill set improvement and explained how these FDPs will help to improve the skill sets in the field of design, modeling, analysis or manufacturing. In his presidential address, Dr. Shrinivasa Mayya D, Principal, Srinivas Institute of Technology, Valachil, Mangaluru, called the faculties to update their skillsets by attending such FDPs. Programme began with a prayer from Ms. Sharanya, 7th semester Student for Aeronautical department. Prof. Nithin Joshuva, Joint Coordinator of the FDP welcomed the gathering and Prof. Mohd. Gowspeer, Joint Coordinator of the FDP thanked the participants. The programme was compered by Prof. Vivek Vijay Kumar, Assistant Professor, Dept of Marine engineering.
October,2023 Posted By SIT