Innovative Quiz Quest, organized by the Association of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in association with IIC, was conducted successfully on the 4th and 17th of July, 2024. The quiz aimed to engage participants in a unique and interactive manner, focusing on a range of topics that tested their knowledge and creativity. The first round of the quiz was conducted on 4th July 2024. It was divided into several sections, including multiple-choice questions, true/false questions, and a rapid-fire round. The quiz covered diverse topics such as science, technology, history, and current events. The top 11 teams were shortlisted for the second round based on their scores. The second round was conducted on 17th July 2024. This round was designed to be more challenging, with an emphasis on teamwork and strategic thinking. The results of the event are: FIRST PLACE: Nandkumar and Hanamanth (2nd year ECE) SECOND PLACE: Vishnumaya and Manasa (2nd year ECE) The Innovative Quiz Quest was a resounding success. It not only tested the participants' knowledge but also encouraged creativity, teamwork, and quick thinking.
July 17,2024 Posted By SIT