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Hands on session on String Similarity Hamming Levenshtein Distance-2023

As an association activity of Department of Information Science & Engineering, under AISE a hands-on session was conducted on “STRING SIMILARITY-HAMMING & LEVENSHTEIN DISTANCE”. The hands-on session was about the introduction to String matching and how it was dealt in past and modern trend. String metrics are used heavily in information integration and are currently used in areas including fraud detection, fingerprint analysis, plagiarism detection, ontology merging, DNA analysis, RNA analysis, image analysis, evidence-based machine learning, database data deduplication, data mining, incremental search, data integration, malware detection, and semantic knowledge integrationBrief Introduction to Hamming distance with code was explained by Shrama Madival and Levenshtein Distance was explained with the various applications like Spell Checkers, Correction Systems for optical character recognition, Software to assist natural language, Translation memory by Jayashree K.R.This event was supported by Prof. Sudarshan K, Head of the department, ISE . The Hands-on session was conducted by Students of 2nd Year ISE Jayashree K.R, Shrama Madival under the guidance of Prof.Sowmya, Assistant professor, ISE organised the event on 07/07/2023. All students of 4th SEM ISE took active participation in the event.

July 07,2023 Posted By SIT