Fresher day Branch Entry by AISE and AAIE - 2021-2022
Association of Information Science and Educatee [AISE] and Association of Artificial intelligence Educatee [AAIE] of Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning Department , of Srinivas Institute of Technology , for the year 2021-2022 conducted the Fresher day Branch entry event on 22nd November 2021. Where the young buds of future are welcomed to the Information science and engineering and Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning Department. The event was successfully conducted by the final year Students of ISE in the presence of respected Head of Department Dr. Anoop B.K and the department staff. To make the new comers feel free to live in the campus ,department and to have a smooth communication between the students and staff, number of events and games are conducted and allowed the new comers to participate in the games. Some of the names of game are 1.Damshararth 2.Paper cup pyramid 3. Word Puzzle 4. Musical Chair 5. Variety 6. Dance to the Tune. The student who wins the game are awarded with a attractive prizes by AISE and AAIE. Few games are also arranged for the Staff members by AISE and AAIE of ISE Department.
November 22,2021 Posted By SIT