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Engineers day celebration

The engineers day was celebrated under the banner of ASMA, the students’ association of Mechanical Engineering Department, Srinivas Institute Technology for the year 2020-21 on 15th September 2020 through online platform. On this day Mechanical quiz was conducted for all the mechanical students by using online platform. Out of 64 participants 7th sem students Mr. Thilak emerged as first winner and Mr. Wilstor as second winner Dr.Shankar K S, Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering congratulated the quiz winners and briefed about the need of such activities on this special day. Prof. paid a tribute to Shri M. Vishveshwarya for his outstanding contributions to his engineering profession. He also spoke about the role of engineers for the society. The program was compered by prof Lokesh V, staff Advisor of ASMA.

September 15,2020 Posted By SIT