Department of Information Science and Engineering “ROAD SAFETY WEEK”
The Association of Information Science and Engineering Department, AISE, held a “TALK” and “QUIZ” to create awareness about Road Safety on 17/01/2024 January.A talk and quiz were organized to raise awareness about road safety, emphasizing the importance of responsible driving and pedestrian behavior. The initiative aimed to educate participants on traffic rules, highlight common risks and promote safer road habits. The quiz tested knowledge and reinforced key safety messages, fostering a culture of conscientious road users. Students of 3rd and 5th Sem ISE on 17/10/2024 celebrated this day. This was held under the guidance of Prof. Sudarshan K, Head of the Department, IS&E, and association Advisor of AISE, Prof. Sowmya, Department of ISE.
January 17,2024 Posted By SIT