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The Marine Students' association (AIMES) and Mechanical Students' association (ASMA) of Srinivas Institute of Technology, Valachil jointly organised the Campus cleaning programme on 01/04/2023 at the college campus. The purpose of this initiative was to raise awareness among the students about the significance of maintaining a clean and green campus. Dr. Shankar KS, HOD of Marine Engineering, along with Prof. Sathisha KG, AIMES Faculty Advisor, and Dr. Raghavendra MJ, ASMA Faculty Advisor, oversaw the program. Dr. Shankar KS emphasized the importance of cleanliness and encouraged the students to participate actively in such social activities. All Marine Engineering students and faculty members took part in the cleaning campaign on campus. The students successfully gathered all the plastic waste and disposed of it at a dump yard. The entire process was highly motivating and inspiring for the students.

April 01,2023 Posted By SIT