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The Valedictory function of “AMARA”, Automobile and Aeronautical Association for the year 2023-24, was held on 21th May 2024at Srinivas Institute of Technology, Valachil, Mangalore. President of the programme was Dr. Shrinivasa Mayya.D, Honourable Principal, Srinivas Institute of Technology, Mangalore.Dr. Ramakrishna N Hegde, Head of the department of Automobile and Aeronautical Engineering, Srinivas Institute of Technology, Mangalore, Dr. Lokesh K S faculty coordinator of AMARA, Ms. Sharanya IS, President of AMARA and Mr. Sathwik,Secretary of AMARAwere on the stage.The valedictory function was started with an invocation by Ms. Shruthi.G, AMARA office bearer followed by welcome address given by Mr. Somaih, OfficeBearer of AMARA from 3rd Year Aeronautical Engineering. Dr. Lokesh K S faculty coordinator of AMARA readout theannual report of AMARA 2023-24.Dr. Ramakrishna N hedge, Head of the department of Automobile and Aeronautical Engineering address the gathering with his valuable feedback to the student community. Yearly magazine SMRUTHI-9.0for the year 2023-24 was released by the stage dignitaries on this occasion. Final year students gave their feedback followed by prize distribution for the ALTIUS event winners of 2022& organizers of ALTIUS was honoured with certificate and also honour the AMARA office bearers with certificates from the dignitaries. President Dr. ShrinivasaMayya.D delivered his presidential address to the gathering and gave valuable suggestions to the outgoing students.Mr. Akshay Madappa, office bearer of AMARA delivered vote of thanks. Ms. Asma Shiek and Ms. Poornima Office bearers of AMARA served as master of ceremony for the programme.The event was coordinated under the guidance of Dr. Lokesh K S, Dr. Ramakrishna N. Hegde, Head of the Department and Dr. Shrinivasa Mayya D, Principal, SIT, Mangalore.

May 21,2024 Posted By SIT