Department of MBA

Department Student Association(VOLMAS)

Department of MBA has students Association named as VOLMAS (Vision of Learning Management Students Association of Srinivas). The association was formed in the year 2007.

Vision statement of VOLMAS is “To create an environment & a platform in which management students can develop and practice their innate skills & Management theories so that they can get a learning experience in their MBA programme”.

Mission statement of VOLMAS is “To develop each and every student’s personality & confidence”.

The aim of VOLMAS is mainly to encourage students to participate in curricular and co-curricular activities. Students are encouraged to publish research papers in journals and present the same at conferences.

Office bearers and student coordinators for the year 2024-25:

SL. No. Photo Name Office-bearers
1 Ankitha Coordinator
2 Tanushree R J President
3 Royston Xavier Rodrigues President
4 K Deepali Secretary
5 Ullas Shetty Secretary

Office bearers and student coordinators for the year 2022-23:

SL. No. Photo Name Office-bearers
1 Prof. Steevan Robert Tellis Coordinator
2 Miss.Ayshabi Hafeeza President
3 Mr.Manjunath M R Vice President
4 Mr.Vachan Shetty Vice President
5 Miss.Gayathri R Secretary
6 Ms.Shrividya A Joint Secretary
7 Ms.Akshatha B Joint Secretary
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