News and Events

Hands on workshop on Git Repository

CSI Student Chapter of Srinivas Institute of Technology, Mangaluru (Member No: I01574) has organised hands on workshop on “Git Repository“ on 30th March 2019 for the benefit of BE students. Mr. Srikara Bhat, Software Developer, Robosoft Technologies, Udupi, was the resource person. The whole event was coordinated by Prof.Mohan K, CSI Student Branch Coordinator.

 April 5, 2019 Posted By sitmng

Hands-on Training on Internet of Things

A workshop based on IoT (Internet of Things) was organized by IEI (Institution of Engineers, India), Student Chapter, Department of Information Science and Engineering for 6th semester students on 1st April 2019 by Madhuvanthi Puranik of 6th semester ISE. A total of 36 students took benefit from the workshop. The workshop covered concepts from […]

 April 4, 2019 Posted By sitmng

Voters Awareness program by AMARA

Department of Aeronautical and Automobile engineering, Srinivas institute of Technology, Valachil, Mangaluru successfully conducted a “Voters Awareness Program” in association with SVEEP (Systematic Voters’ Education and Electoral Participation program) on 1st April 2019 in Lalabhag area Mangaluru that recorded lower voting in the previous election, as identified by the Election Commission. This voter awareness drive […]

 April 4, 2019 Posted By sitmng

A Technical talk on “Marine Crew Resource Management”

The Association of Integrated Marine Engineering Students (AIMES) has organized a technical talk on “Marine Crew Resource Management” for marine students on 21st March 2019 at Srinivas Institute of Technology, Valachil, Mangaluru. Mr. Chethan Patwal, 3rd Engineer in Nortan shipping Mangament , Mangaluru was the resource person who has 6 years experience as sailing engineer. […]

 April 2, 2019 Posted By sitmng

Marine Student’s activity: Models of Ship Structures

Students of the 4th semester Marine Engineering created the models of various ship structural elements as a part of their assignment for Ship construction. Ship construction is a technical study of various structural components of a ship. These Models showcase the Bottom Shell and Side Shell constructions of generic vessels. The models are detailed and […]

 April 1, 2019 Posted By sitmng

Hands on training on Git Technology

Hands on training on the topic “Git Technology” was organized by IEI (Institution of Information Engineers,India),Student Chapter,Department of Information Science and Engineering for pre final year students on 28th of March 2019,around 40 students participated in the workshop. The workshop was conducted by Ms.Roopa G S and Ms.Anjali S Nair of 6th semester ISE. The […]

 April 1, 2019 Posted By sitmng


CLOUD E in collaboration with ‘STEADY’ association of Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of Srinivas Institute of Technology, Valachil, Mangaluru organised a session for 6th semester (3rd year) students of the department on 27th March 2019 in seminar hall. Mr Mahesh Padyana from Cloud E briefed them on C programming and its importance in placements.

 April 1, 2019 Posted By sitmng

Pick and Speak- By ASMA

In view of academics support and improvement in subject knowledge, the higher semester students of mechanical engg Dept conducted a program “Pick and speak” for 4th semester B section students on 27th march at 3:45 pm. The program was conducted by Preethesh ASMA President, and Preetham of 8th sem, II shift Mechanical Dept and Aboobakar […]

 March 30, 2019 Posted By SIT

IEI organized Technical Quiz competition

IEI (Institution of Engineers, India), Student Chapter, Department of Information Science and Engineering organized a Technical Quiz for 4th,6th and 8th semester students on 25th march 2019. A total of 59 students actively participated in this competition. It helped the students to understand the Quiz patterns and prepare themselves for technical aptitude rounds. The Quiz […]

 March 30, 2019 Posted By SIT


To improve the technical skills and constructional elements in advanced technology in recent developments of automation, A Technical demo on “AUTOMATION” is conducted for 5th semester of mechanical students on 08th march 2019 at 1:00pm in M301 by ASMA. The practical session and presentation conducted by technical experts Venugopoal Rao R and Arun kumar from […]

 March 29, 2019 Posted By SIT