Inaugural function of AMARA 2019-20
The inaugural function of “AMARA”, Automobile and Aeronautical Association for the year 2019-20, was held on 18th September 2019 in Srinivas Institute of Technology, Valachil, Mangaluru. Mr. Santhosh Shetty, Senior Instrumentation Engineer, MCF, Mangaluru and a successful entrepreneur was the Chief Guest of the function. Mr. Santhosh Shetty in his inaugural address to the students urged the students to have a right attitude to be a successful engineer and an entrepreneur. Later, he delivered talk on “Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship” quoting his own experience as a successful entrepreneur.
Dr. Shrinivasa Mayya D, Principal who presided over the function, congratulated the association members for forming the association and also welcomed the fresher’s to the department. He asked the students to develop problem solving skills and to involve in the association activities to be successful. He also added that, students should organize the events to get different skills.
Dr. Ramakrishna N. Hegde, HOD of Aeronautical and Automobile Engineering, in his speech mentioned the importance of association and how to utilize this platform. He also advised the students to take part in activities to showcase their hidden talents. Faculty advisers, Mr. Jerome Anthony, introduced office bearers of AMARA for the year 2019-20 and Mr. DeepakRaj P. Y. proposed the activities of association for the year 2019-20.
Mr. Kaushik Shetty, student president of SAE club, SIT, Mangaluru introduced the chief guest. Mr. Jagadeesh B K, president of AMARA, welcomed the gathering and Mr. Srinidhi, secretary of AMARA delivered the vote of thanks. Master of ceremony was done by Ms. Spandana and Mr. Punith.
September 27, 2019 Posted By sitmng