Department Of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Dr. Anoop B K
Education Details

Degree Institution Specialization University Year
BE DSEC Perambalur ECE Anna University Chennai 2008
M.Tech NMAMIT,NITTE MECS VTU Belgaum Karnataka 2010
Experience Details

Field Designation Workplace From To
Teaching Associate Professor and Head ,AIML Srinivas Institute of Technology,Mangaluru, Karnataka 15-04-21 Till date
Teaching Assistant Professor Vimal Jyothi Engineering College, Kannur,Kerala 12-06-12 23-02-21
Teaching Assistant Professor Al Ameen Engineering College,Shornur Kerala 21-12-11 11-06-12
Teaching Lecturer MACEV,Trivandrum 03-10-11 20-12-11
Teaching Lecturer CIT, Ponnampet,Karnataka 16-09-2010 17-09-11
Subjects Handled

Artificial Intelligence , Mathematical foundation for Machine Learning , Soft Computing , Computer Vision , Digital Image Processing , Digital Signal Processing , Signals and Systems , Advanced Digital Signal Processing , Research Methodology , Computer Networks , Solid State Devices , Professional Ethics , Engineering Design
Area of Interest

Machine Learning , Biomedical Image Processing , Computer Vision , Decision Making Systems
Publications in Journals

International Journal
1 Anoop Balakrishnan Kadan, Perumal Sankar Subbian: Detection of Hard Exudates Using Evolutionary Feature Selection in Retinal Fundus Images. Journal of Medical Systems 07/2019; 43(7)., DOI:10.1007/s10916-019-1349-7 [SCIE].
2 Anoop Balakrishnan Kadan and Perumal Sankar Subbian, “Optimized Hybrid Classifier for Diagnosing Diabetic Retinopathy: Iterative Blood Vessel Segmentation Process,” International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology [SCIE].
3 Anoop Balakrishnan Kadan and Perumal Sankar Subbian, “Automatic diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy with the aid of adaptive average filtering with optimized deep convolutional neural network,” International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, Apr. 2020. [SCIE].
4 Anoop Balakrishnan Kadan, Jayesh George and Anoop V ,”Early detection of breast malignancy using wavelet features and optimized classifier” International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, Dec. 2020. ( in production ) [SCIE].
5 Anoop B K,Manoj K C,Antony Sebastian,Jinu Jose,Jithin M. Ultra Stable Flying Robo. International Journal of Computer Engineering In Research Trends (IJCERT) ,ISSN:2349-7084 ,Vol.2, Issue 12,pp.1162-1165 , December- 2015, URL :
6 Anjali Nambiar, Anusha Chacko, Anoop B K: Adaptive Weight Computation Processor for Medical Ultrasound Beam former: VLSI Architecture and FPGA implementation. DOI:10.9790/2834-10611619.
7 Hemjith Anoop B K, Manoj Kc: A Review on Recent Ternds and Developments in the Design and Application of Yagi Uda Antenna. DOI:10.9790/2834-10522834.
8 Jayesh george, Dhanesh p, Anoop B K: A Review on SAR Reduction Methods Used For Mobile Application. DOI:10.9790/2834-10522527.
9 Neethu N.J., Anoop B.K.: Role of Computer Vision in Automatic Inspection Systems. International Journal of Computer Applications 08/2015; 123(13):28-31., DOI:10.5120/ijca2015905603.
10 Anoop B K, Binil Kumar, Manoj K C: Voltage flickering mitigation using D-Statcom. DOI:10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V22P201.
11 Binil Kumar K, Anoop B K, Adarsh K S: A Fast Kernel Parametric Active Contour Method for Detecting Tumor based on Image Segmentation. DOI:10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V21P257
12 Sreeja Sankaran Nampoothiri, Anoop B. K: Review on Vision based Human Activity Analysis. International Journal of Computer Applications 08/2014; 99(2):9-14., DOI:10.5120/17343-6240.
13 Jobin Francis, Anoop B K: Significance of Hand Gesture Recognition Systems in Vehicular Automation-A Survey. International Journal of Computer Applications 08/2014; 99(7):50-55., DOI:10.5120/17389-7931.
14 Tara Saikumar, Anoop B K: Tara Kernel Fuzzy Clustering (TKFCM) for a Robust Adaptive Threshold Algorithm based on Level Set Method. 02/2012; 2(1):37-44., DOI:10.5121/ijitcs.2012.2015.
15 K V Vishnu, B. K. Anoop and K V Adarsh. “Vibration Analysis: A Literature Review.” IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (IOSR-JECE) e-ISSN: 2278-2834,p- ISSN: 2278-8735.Volume 10, Issue 5, Ver. II (Sep - Oct .2015), PP 35-39
Paper presented in conferences

National Paper
1 Anoop B K, Sreesha Chokkadi , “ Voltage Flickker Mitigation Using PWN-Based Distribution STATCOM ” in National conference on Recent Trends in Emerging Technologies ,NMAMIT Nitte , Karnataka, May 2010.
2 Anoop B K, T C Manjunath “ Simulation of a Dynamic Model of Robot ARM” in National Conference On Advanced Trends In Engineering And Technology ,Vimal Jyothi Engineering College , Kerala ,Nov 2012.
3 Anoop B K, T C Manjunath ”Detection Of Foreground And Background Objects In Image” in National Conference On Advanced Trends In Engineering And Technology ,Vimal Jyothi Engineering College , Kerala ,Nov 2012.
4 Anoop B K,T C Manjunath “Development of a Task Planning Problem in AI ” in National Conference On Advanced Trends In Engineering And Technology ,Vimal Jyothi Engineering College , Kerala ,Nov 2012.
5 Anoop B K , Jobin Francis “ Leaf Disease Detection & Identification in Pepper Plants with Image Processing Techniques “ in National Conference on Technological Advancements in Engineering, SNG College of Engineering and Technology, Payyanur,Kerala ,March 2015.
6 Anoop B K ,T C Manjunath “ A Comparative Study of Multiview Stereo Reconstruction Algorithms “ in National Conference on Technological Advancements in Engineering, SNG College of Engineering and Technology, Payyanur, Kerala ,March 2015.
7 Anoop B K “Medical Ultrasound Beamforming & Ultrasound Imaging “ in 2nd National Conference on Technological Advancements in Engineering, SNG College of Engineering and Technology, Payyanur, Kerala ,March 2016.
International Paper
1 Tara Sai Kumar, B.K.Anoop, Ch.Narshima Chary ,B.Smitha , “Kernel Fuzzy Adaptive Threshold Algorithm on Level set method for Image Segmentation” at Proceeding of The First International Conference on Information Technology Convergence and Services (ITCS 2012), Bangalore, India during 3~4 2012.
2 Tara Saikumar, P.Yugander, M.Ravindra, B.K.Anoop, “Image Segmentation of an Adaptive Threshold Algorithm Using Watershed Transform and Fuzzy C -Means Clustering on Level Set Method” International Conference on Signal, Image and Video Processing (ICSIVP 2012), IIT Patna. Held during 13th -15th Jan 2012.
3 Tara.Saikumar, B.K.Anoop, Md.Ameenuddin, Image Segmentation Using Quick Improved Fuzzy C-Means Clustering on Level Set Method in International Conferences on Computing, Communications,Systems and Applications(ICCCSA-2012),during 30-31 March 2012, at Malla Reddy College of Engineering & Technology,Hyderabad,A.P.
4 Tara.Saikumar, M.Ravinder, B.K.Anoop, P.Nideesh, A Novel Combination of an Adaptive Threshold Algorthim and Fuzzy C-MeansUsing Watershed Transform Clustering on Level Set Method in “ Advances in Communication ,Navigation and Computer Network (ACNCN-2012),during 17-18 March 2012, at AU Engineering Campus,Visakhapatnam,A.P.
5 Tara.SaiKumar,B.K.Anoop, P.S.Murthy, “ Robust Adaptive Threshold Algorithm Based on Kernel Fuzzy Clustering on Image Segmentation at Proceedings of The First International Conference on Information Technology Convergence and Services (ITCS 2012), pp 99-103, Bangalore,India ,Jan 4 2012.
6 Anoop B K,Sravani S Nath,Perumal Sankar , “ Exudates : A Brief Survey on Hard Exudates Approaches & Outcomes from Diabetic Retinopathy Images using Learning Algorithms” in 1st International Conference on Recent Scientific Research in Engineering and Technology , JIT Trivandrum ,Kerala, March 2019.
7 Tara Sai Kumar, B.Smitha, B.K.Anoop, P.S.Murthy, “Image Segmentation Using Improved Fuzzy C-Means Clustering on Level Set Method for Noisy Images” at Proceeding 2011 IEEE ICCIC, Cape Institute of Technology, India, during 15-18 Dec 2011, ISBN:978-1-61284-693-4.
8 Tara Sai Kumar, B.K.Anoop, B.Smitha , “Blind Fractional Spaced CMA Channel Equalization through an Adaptive MMSE Equalizer based NLMS algorithm” at Proceeding 2011 IEEE ICCIC, Cape Institute of Technology, India, during 15-18 Dec 2011,ISBN:978-1-61284-693-4.
9 Anoop B K: Classification of Outer Retinal Layers Based on KNN-Classifier. 2018 International Conference on Emerging Trends and Innovations In Engineering And Technological Research (ICETIETR), Ernakulam, Cochin, India, India; 11/2018, DOI:10.1109/ICETIETR.2018.8529098.
10 Anoop.B.K, S. Perumal Sankar: Lesion detection using segmented structure of retina. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Circuits and Systems (ICCS); 12/2017, DOI:10.1109/ICCS1.2017.8326028.
11 Anoop B.K: Comparison of different image preprocessing methods used for retinal fundus images. 2017 Conference on Emerging Devices and Smart Systems (ICEDSS); 10/2017, DOI:10.1109/ICEDSS.2017.8073677.
12 Jobin Francis, Anto Sahaya Dhas D, Anoop B K: Identification of leaf diseases in pepper plants using soft computing techniques. 2016 Conference on Emerging Devices and Smart Systems (ICEDSS); 03/2016, DOI:10.1109/ICEDSS.2016.7587787.
Workshop/Seminar attended/Guest lectures delivered

1 Participated in 3 days Workshop Organized by NMAMIT Nitte, Karnataka titled “Advances in VLSI Design and Algorithms” on 10/01/2011 to 12/01/2011.
2 Participated in Two-week Faculty Development program “Advances in Wireless Communication and Networking Technologies” organized by National Institute of Technology, Calicut, Kerala on 13/06/2011 to 24/06/2011.
3 Participated in One Week Faculty Development program “Biomedical Signal Processing ” organized by Government Engineering College ,Idukki, Kerala on 14/11/2011 to 19/11/2011.
4 Participated in 2 days Workshop Organized by VTU RRC Belgaum ,Karnataka titled “Research Methodologies and Latex ” on 04/02/2013 to 05/02/2013.
5 Organized a workshop titled “ Digtial Image Processing “ in VJEC Kannur Kerala from 21/10/2013 to 25/10/2013.
6 Participated a TEQIP funded Two week Faculty Development Program “Digital Image Processing” organized by College of Engineering Thalassery,Kerala on 18/11/2013 to 22/11/2013.
7 Organized a workshop titled “ Ethical Hacking and Network Security “ in VJEC Kannur Kerala from 20/02/2015 to 24/02/2015.
8 Participated a TEQIP funded Two week Faculty Development Program “Advanced signal and image processing techniques” organized by College of Engineering Thalassery,Kerala on 23/11/2015 to 04/12/2015.
9 Organized a One week KTU sponsored Faculty Development program tited “Electronic Design Automation (EDA)” in VJEC Kannur Kerala from 18/12/2017 to 22/12/2017.
10 Organized a workshop titled “ Intel Galileo “ in VJEC Kannur Kerala from 21/09/2018 to 23/09/2018.
11 Participated a TEQIP funded Two week Faculty Development Program “Signal & Image Processing: Issues, Challenges and Techniques” organized Deenabandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology, Sonepat, Haryana on 1/1/2018 to 12/1/2018.
12 Organized a Two week AICTE sponsored Faculty Development program tited “Research Challenges in Bio-signal and Image Processing for Medical and Health Sciences “ in VJEC Kannur Kerala from 20/05/2019 to 1/6/2019.
13 Organized a One week KTU sponsored Faculty Development program tited “Interactive learning modules for innovative pedagogy “ in VJEC Kannur Kerala from 27/05/2019 to 31/05/2019.
14 Participated a AICTE funded 3days Faculty Development Program “Student Induction” organized by VTU on 24/06/2019 to 26/06/2019.
15 Participated a CSI sponsored Faculty Development Program “Machine Learning and its Mathematical foundations” organized by VJEC Kannur Kerala on 02/03/2021 to 06/03/2021.
16 Participated a DTE, Kerala sponsored Faculty Development Program “Signal Processing with Python” organized by College of Engineering Trivandrum Kerala on 22/03/2021 to 27/03/2021.
17 Participated a IETE sponsored Faculty Development Program “Python for Engineers” organized by VJEC Kannur Kerala on 02/03/2021 to 06/03/2021.
Projects Guided

1 B.E projects 20
2 M.Tech projects 5
Membership in professional bodies

1 Member in IETE
2 Member in ISTE
3 Member in IEEE
Departmental Responsibilities

1 Head of the Department

1 Certified Telecom Professional by BSNL
2 AIML-Trainer by ASDC , Govt. of Kerala
Contact Details

Email ID(Official)
Phone/Mobile Number
Books Published

1 Anoop B K: Security Framework for Internet of Things (IoT). 09/2018; Lap Lambert Academic Publishing., ISBN: 978-613-9-89883-1.
2 Anoop B K, Roshini T V: Classification of Outer Retinal Layers KNN-classifier approach. 09/2018; Lap Lambert Academic Publishing., ISBN: 978-613-9-85328-1.
3 Anoop B K: THIRD EYE- a project for physically challeged people. 09/2018; Lap Lambert Academic Publishing., ISBN: 978-3-330-05467-7.
5 Anoop B K, Shreesha C.: voltage flickering mitigation. Edited by sara lynch, 04/2015; lap-lambert publishers., ISBN: 978365969152-2, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.1.2776.0726.
Responsibilities Held

1 Member, Syllabus Committee, Kerala Technological University 2015-16.
2 First Year Coordinator 2015-16.
3 NAAC Co-ordinator, VJEC Kannur.
4 NBA Departmental Coordinator, VJEC Kannur.
5 KTU sponsored FDP Coordinator VJEC Kannur 2017-18 and 2018-19.
6 AICTE FDP Coordinator 2018-19.
7 Chairman, IETE PAC Kannur.
8 In charge IEEE Signal Processing Society.
9 Observer for Exams, Kerala Technological University 2015-2019.
Additional Information

1 Certified Trainer for conducting AIML Classes by ASDC, Govt. of Kerala.
2 Reviewer of IEEE Access Journal.
3 Reviewer of Array Journal.
4 Google Scholar Profile :
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