Resource Person:
Mr. Nama Nishtha Das,
B-Tech IIT Kanpur, Iskcon Managaluru,
International Society for Krishna Consciousness
In Mind Control class the resource person discussed 12 techniques of Mind Control.
First technique was regulating our eating and sleeping.
Second technique was to time management.
Third was story of liquid
Fourth was story of Brahmachari and Rat
Fifth was to focus on circle of influence rather than waste time on circle of concern.
Sixth was discussion of sattva, rajas and tamas. How to develop sattva Gund and come out of influence of rajas and tamas.
Seventh was understanding different levels of Consciousness
Eighth was to understand step by step degradation of mind by contemplation, attachment, lust, anger, bewilderment, loss of memory, loss of intelligence and fall down.
Ninth technique was how to rehabilitate ourselves once we get addicted.
Tenth technique was watch our thoughts as they become words which becomes activities, which becomes habits, which becomes character and which becomes destiny.
Eleventh was association.
Twelfth technique was yoga and meditation for self purification.