News and Events

Valedictory and Farewell Function of ASMA

The Valedictory function of All Students Mechanical Association – ASMA was held on 10/05/2019. It was presided over by Dr.Shrinivasa Mayya D, Principal, S.I.T.

In his presidential address, Dr.Shrinivasa Mayya D congratulated the ASMA team for conducting various activities during the academic year 2018-19.

He briefed on the importance of setting a goal in life .Also he said that every student is unique and goals can be achieved through hard work.

Dr. Thomas pinto, HOD, Mechanical Engineering in his address he asked the students to work ethically and professionally in their chosen field of work.

Dr. Shankar K S HOD, Mechanical Engineering (II shift and Marine Engineering) in his address, he stressed the importance of hard work and sincerity in order to achieve success in life.

The gathering was welcomed by Mr. Aboobakar Siddiq, Member ASMA.

Prof. Lokesh V, Faculty co-ordinator, briefed the gathering about the activities conducted by ASMA during the current year.

On the occasion, the ASMA news letter “SPLASH” and the “Book of Abstracts” were released by the Principal and the HODs.

Class toppers of final year Mechanical Engineering, Altius 2018 winners and the winners of the various activities conducted by ASMA were awarded.

Prof Sathisha K G, Co-ordinator of IEI (I) student chapter of Mechanical Engineering, briefed about the activities conducted. Winners in the different events conducted by student chapter were awarded.

Prof. Nithin Joshuva, Faculty Co-ordinator, proposed the Vote of thanks.

June 24, 2019 Posted By SIT