Valedictory of AMARA Activities and Farewell Function
The valedictory function of the Automobile & Aeronautical Association (AMARA) and the farewell function for the final year Automobile & Aeronautical Engineering students were organized by the department of Automobile & Aeronautical of Srinivas Institute of Technology, Mangaluru on 08-05-2019. Dr. Shrinivasa Mayya D, Principal, Srinivas Institute of Technology who presided on this occasion asked the students to involve themselves more in extra-curricular activities which is essential for overall development of any individual. He congratulated the office bearers and the members of the student association for their proactive involvement in conducting the activities under the association. In his presidential remarks while addressing the outgoing students, Principal urged the students to be SMART ( To have Specific goal , which is Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time bound).
Dr. Ramakrishna N Hegde, Head, Dept. of Automobile & Aeronautical Engineering, congratulated the outgoing students on this occasion and inspired the students to calibrate themselves to the constant change in technology, to survive in the corporate life. He advised the students to be the true brand ambassadors of the college and the department. Students shared their feedback on this occasion.
Mr. Mohammed Razin, vice president of AMARA welcomed the gathering. The faculty advisor Mr. DeepakRaj P Y. briefed the association activities report for the year 2018-19 and Mr. Jerome Anthony readout the list of prize winners of various competitions. Students were felicitated for their active involvement in the departmental activities, excelling in various competitions held, by beloved principal. The fourth edition of the department magazine “SMRUTHI” and the “Book of Abstracts” of Final year students Projects,. 2018-19 were released on this occasion.
Mr. Vikesh S D. organizing secretory of AMARA, proposed the vote of thanks.
May 22, 2019 Posted By sitmng