Technical talk on Ergonomics (Man -Machine Interface)
Department of EEE, in association with ‘ELITE’ organized a technical talk on ERGONOMICS on 22-08-2019 for all 5 th semester students of EEE, CSE, and ECE. Principal Dr Shrinivasa Mayya D presided over the Inaugural function and highlighted the importance of IOT and modern technologies in day today life. Prof Lokesha B, HOD, Dept of EEE, encouraged the students. Mr Basavaraj C. H, Manging director of KNOWX (An Embedded and Telecom Company) Bangalore was the resource person. He explained about man-machine interface, how technology is helpful in agriculture field, Controller Area Network (CAN), IOT and Industrial Automation. The event was coordinated by Dr Jose Alex Mathew, Professor, Department of EEE.
August 28, 2019 Posted By sitmng