GSSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysuru, organized the 4th National-Level Project Competition “IEEE Project Expo-2019” under IEEE Student Branch (STB1786) and IEEE WIE Affinity Group, GSSSIETW in Association with IEEE Bengaluru Section.
Rajashekhar S, IP Specialist, GE Bengaluru, Secretary, IEEE Bengaluru Section, chair-elect, IEEE PES Bengaluru chapter was the chief guest, Air Commodore Ravi Krishna Iyengar AVSMVSM(veteran), vice-president-Strategic Business (Aerospace and Defence), Kayness Technology India Pvt Ltd, Mysuru, was the guest of honor. The inaugural function was presided over by R.K Bharath, Management committee member and CEO GSSS.
IEEE Project Expo-2019 proved to be very popular and 230 teams from various institutions registered for the same. To name a few, Rajeev Institute of Technology, Hassan; Srinivas Institute of Technology, Mangaluru; Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering, Bengaluru; Kalpataru Institute of Technology, Tiptur; Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering, Bengaluru; M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bengaluru; East West College of Engineering, Bengaluru; SDM College of Engineering, Bengaluru; WIET, Mysuru and many more.
Vaishnavi R.B, Sucheth and Sharada Prakash Rao G, final year students from Electrical and Electronics Engineering, had participated and their project ARRUM (Automatic Rodent Repellent Ultrasonic Mechanism), under the Guidance of Prof. Lokesha B (HOD, Electrical and Electronics), has been awarded as the BEST PROJECT(II-Prize) in the same. The project was based on the idea of creating a built-in electronic controlled mechanical system inside a car, which would govern the incoming of the rodents from the voids available and would drive the rodents away. This system also ensured the auto-switching of the device between running and halt conditions. During the large mass production this system would become cheaper and reliable too for the Company. Thus, system would govern the cost factor.
May 22, 2019 Posted By sitmng