News and Events

Inaugural function of ENVISION 2019

The Inaugural function of ENVISION 2019, National level Techno – Cultural fest was held on 11th March 2019 in Srinivas Institute of Technology, Valachil, Mangaluru. Miss. Gaana Bhat, Technical Support Engineer in Yahoo, Bengaluru, was the Chief Guest of the function. The function was presided by Dr. A. Srinivas Rao, Pro-Chancellor Srinivas University, Mangaluru and Vice-President, A. Shama Rao foundation.

Ms. Gaana Bhat, in her address to the students mentioned the importance of dedication and hard work to achieve the goals. She also highlighted the importance of Techno-Cultural fest to make their identity in the society by exposing their technical skills and cultural talent.

Sri A. Srinivas Rao in his presidential address quoted that the Envision is introducing new events every year as per the student’s innovative ideas to update their knowledge. He also congratulated the members who actively coordinated for the envision 2019.

Dr. Shrinivasa Mayya D, Principal of the college was present at the program. Prof. Deepak Raj P Y, Convener of the program briefed about the various activities of Envision which is conducting by different branches of the college.

Mr. Dhananjay Kumar S, Organizing Secretary of Envision 2019 welcome the gathering and Miss. Vaishnavi R B, President of student council introduced the chief guest. Miss. Rakshita delivered vote of thanks. Master of ceremony was done by Miss. Shubhashree and Mr. Prajnesh Shetty.

March 11, 2019 Posted By sitmng