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Report on “Plantation and adaptation of a tree”

Plantation refers to the process of growing and cultivating plants, often with the intention of harvesting them for various purposes such as food, fiber, medicine, or ornamental use. A session on Plantation and adaptation of a tree was arranged by the Association of All Students Mechanical Association (ASMA) for third semester Mechanical students of Srinivas Institute of Technology, Mangaluru, on December 20, 2023. Dr. Suryanarayana K., Head of the Physics Department, first explained to the students the value of planting and how to adapt a tree. After that, the students received a variety of plants. During the coursework, he also reminded the students to water the plants regularly and to monitor their growth.This program was supported by our beloved principal Dr. Shrinivasa Mayya D. The program was successfully completed with the help of Dr. Shankar K S, Head of the Department, Mechanical Engineering. This event is coordinated by Prof. Mohamed Gowspeer.

December20,2023 Posted By SIT