News and Events

Farewell Function Epilogue and Valedictory of AISE2023-24

The farewell function Epiloguefor the final year Information Science and Engineering students and Valedictory of Association of Information Science and Educatee (AISE ) 2023-24was organized by the Department of Information Science and Engineering, Srinivas Institute of Technology, Mangaluru on 22May 2024. Dr. Shrinivasa Mayya D, Principal, Srinivas Institute of Technology presided over the occasion. In his presidential remarks, congratulating the outgoing students Principal motivated the students to work hard be responsible in their work, and never stop learning. He also urged the students to gain experience and a successful career.Prof. Sudarshan K, Head, Dept. of Information Science and Engineering, spoke on the occasion he emphasized the importance of education and explained how to use the available opportunities to secure themselves a successful career.During this event, outgoing students shared their wonderful experiences.The annual report of AISE activities for the academic year 2023-24 was presented by Prof. Sowmya Staff Coordinator, AISE. Prize Distribution,Memento distribution,and Project Abstract releasewere carried out by Prof. Athmaranjan K. The entire function was hosted by Ms.Aishwarya of 3rd Sem ISE and Mr. Praneesh, of 3rdSemISE, Jayashree K R of 6th Sem ISE proposed the vote of thanks. The event was conducted successfully with the support of faculties of ISE and Students.

May 22,2024 Posted By SIT